Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beowulf test

Hero qualities: "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. (Page 32). The hero qulities that he has are: Bravery, strong, and confident. He states in this quote that Grendel is no bracver than he is. I believe Beowulf is very brave going up against Grendel. He also states that Grendel is no stronger than he is. Beowulf is very strong and he shows this be taking down the powerful Grendel. He really shows this when him and his men take off his arm. A hero is very strong and Beowulf is a great example of this. The last quality i believe Beowulf has is that he is confident. He states that he could kill him with his sword and will not back down. He has confidence that he he can and will kill Grendel. That is a huge part that a hero needs and he has that. He never backs down to anything or quits.

Hero or Braggart?: "No one strange to this land has ever been granted what i've given you, No one in all my years of rule. Make this best of all mead-halls yours, and then keep it free of evil, Fight with glory in your heart! Purge Herot and your ship will sail home with its treasures holds full!" (page 30). Beowulf defeated Grendel and thats why i believe he is a true hero. Grendel went to get Beowulf when he was asleep but didnt go after him right away. That shows that he was a little scared of him. True heroes make others scared of them. When you are not a hero you are afraid of heroes and what they could do to you. But also if you are on a hero's good side, like for example if they safe you from a train crashing into on the movie "Handcock" then you arent afraid of them but if you are the hero's enemy you are scared and afraid of them. Grendel is Beowulfs ememy therefore he has fear of him. A hero also does something amazing and shows how strong they are and Beowulf did that by taking down Grendel. He showed how much power he had and how strong he could be. Heroes also can be cocky and show off. Beowulf did this after him and his men took of Grendels arm he posted it up on the wall like Abby stated him her comment as well. He was pretty cocky about what he did but i believe thats what makes him a hero. Heroes also may have back-up with them. He did when he called his men in to help him take down Grendel. They came in and took out his arm as i just stated. Its like Batman has Rodin, Super man has wonder women, The incredibles have each other. They are a great example of this they are a family i know they are fiction characters but they all stick together as Beowulf and his man did and took down Grendel. These are all the reasons why i think Beowulf is a great true hero!

Loyalty: Your deeds are famous,so stay resolute, my lord, defend your life now with the whole of your strength. I shall stand by you.(lines 2666-68) Wiglaf speaks to Beowulf before joining him in the fight against the dragon. Beowulfs men were very loyal to him. Loyalty is like the respect you have for others. The men gained his respect for what he has done and what he did to Grendel, therefore, Beowulf has earned the respect of his men for what they do for him and how they helped him defeated Grendel.

Legacy: They said that of all the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded,kindest to his people and keenest to win fame. (lines 3180-82)The Geats' tribute to Beowulf after his death. Today's age it is all about how you will be remembered and your legacy. It was still a huge thing back in the age of beowulf. It all started early in the world about legacy. How will people remember you? Bad? Good? Everyone wants to be remember as good. In this quote it tells how Beowulf was remembered after his death. He was remembered great. He left a very good legacy.

Role of Women: Grendel's mother,monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. She had been forced down into fearful waters, he cold depths, after Cain had killed his father's son, felled his own brother with a sword.(lines 1258-63. The role of women may be seen as bad in the poem Beowulf. Many may see them as being playing the role of being taking as hostess in the poem and they are. They aren't treated very well but also in a deeper meaning they could be seen as the peace makers or peace weavers. They give gifts and honor.

Love:They stretched their beloved lord in his boat, laid out by the mast, amidships. the great ring-giver. Far-fetched treasures were piled on him, and precious gear. (lines 34-37) Beowulf was treated good by his men. They loved him he was a loved man because he was considered a hero. When he defeated Grendel he became a great hero and loved by many. This quote demastrates how they showed their love to him!

Good vs Evil: In the end each clan on the outlying coasts
beyond the whale-road had to yield to him
and began to pay tribute. That was one good king. (9-11) The narrator of Beowulf is extremely clear about what a good king is like. He tells how he is a good king and supports that. It's our first clue that, even though Beowulf is all about good versus evil, the definition of "good" may not be what he all thought it would be.


  1. About Beowulf hero/braggart blog -

    You do a good job stating and explaining hero qualities of Beowulf. You only cite one example, however. 25/30

  2. This is an updated grade for the hero/braggart post because you added those example:-)
