Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hamlet test

World Literature
200 points
(180 for test answers; 20 for correct documentation of quotations and Works Cited as well as spelling, etc.)

Be sure to support your answers with Act.scene.line(s) cited like this:
“The time is out of joint” (1.5.210).

1. Hamlet’s relationships with the other characters in the play are complicated. Choose three relationships; analyze how Hamlet is impacted by each (three quotations – one for each relationship). 60 points
Hamlet and Ophelia:“But that I love thee best, O most best, believe it.” (2.2.121-122) Polonius read this from one of Hamlets love letters to Ophelia. Hamlet has many things going on in this life and his feelings for Ophelia i believe are bigger than life. I believe he does have feelings for her and they are just pretty diffifult right no to understand. I think he has feelings for her before but now that his father has died the feelings have gotten bigger. He feels more for her now. Since his father has died he wants something to take his mind away from what happened to his dad so he turns to Ophelia. Some many say his feelings are fake or that he is just using her because his father died but i believe he isn't. Ophelia is there for him and that's why he has strong feelings for her. It like if someone close to you would die and your mother or sister etc. is there for you to talk to you usully get closer to someone else through a death of another person.
Hamlet and this friends: Halment has many friends in this book. The strongest relationship he has is with Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. In act 2 scene 2 the king and queen ask them to go and see why Hamlet has changed. They want them to talk to him and ask him why he has changed so much and figure out what has caused him to change. I think that is very brave of his friends to go do that because he has really changed and i would be scared of how he would responed to what i had to ask him. They are loyal friends though and that show what kind of relationship they have. They really care for Hamlet. Polonius then goes and talk to Gertrude and Claudius and tells thm that he has lost his mind when Ophilea rejected his love. “and with a look so piteous in purport as if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors-he comes before me.” (2.1.82-84). Hamlet goes to talk to Ophilea after he founds out about his fathers death and that his mother has already gotten married. He is coming to her for help but as he does Ophilea rejects him and goes to her father with this quote saying he wasn't dressed prporlly. Hamlet then starts to talk to his old friends again and he tells them that home is like a prison for him. This shows the relationship they have. That would be tough to tell his friends that.
Hamlet and his mother: “frailty thy name is woman!” (1.2.146). Hamlet yelled this after he found out that his mother married his uncle Claudius. Hamlet also told her earlier to stay away from his uncles bed after his father is killed. He said once you say no the first time it becomes easier to do. His mom didnt listen and later marrys his uncle. He is in outrage that his mother married Claudius right after his father had just died. This mother's actions have just set him off the edge and I and totally understand why. I wouldn't want my mother going out and gettting married right after my dad had died. And to my uncle. Hamlet has gathered up a lot of hate towards his mother and just women all together. He thinks they all are bad people because of what his mother just did.

2. Revenge, redemption, loyalty, indecision, love, appearance vs. reality, and betrayal are significant themes in the play. Choose three of these and explain how each theme affects the characters and the outcome of the play (three quotations – one for each theme). 60 points
Loyalty: " I shall in all my best obey you, madam" (1.2 124). Hamlet is loyal to his mother until she does bad. Loyaty can be showed in two different ways in the play "Hamlet." One is when Hamlets mother is NOT loyal to him. He tells her after his father dies to stay away from his uncle's bed and not to fall for one of his tricks but she doesn't listen to him therefore she isn't being loyal to him. Another way she isn't loyal to him is when she decides to marry his uncle after his father died. Hamlet didn't want her to marry his uncle, espeically right after his father had did. The second why loyalty is showed in this play is how loyal Hamlets friends are to him. They go to England with them and they are very supportive i believe when he is going crazy. They go and ask him why he has changed. He at first doesn't talk to them but later he does because he knows they are loyal and he wants to be loyal back to them. He addmits that his house is like a prison place for him.
Love: There are many ways love could be showed in this play. Hamlet loved his father very much therefore he respected his father as well. Since he loved and respected him he didn't want his mother to marry another man after his father died. Hamlet also loved his mother, that is before she went on and married his uncle after his father died. He loved his mother so much that he didn't want her to fall into one of his uncles little tricks and to stay away from his bed. She did not and fell in love with his uncle and they got married. Also another show of love is the love that Hamlet has for Ophelia after his father has died. He grows close to her and goes to her for help. He even wrote her love letters in which in one of them he wrote "But that I love thee, O most best, believe it" (2.2 121-122)
Revenge: "And make petty arture in this body as hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve. Still am i called. Unhand me, gentlemen. By heaven I'll make a ghost of him that lets me! I say, away!--Go on. I'll follow thee. (1.5 92-96). Hamlet says this to the ghost that says he is the ghost of his father's past. Hamlet is outraged by his father's death and that his mother married his uncle. He says he will kill his uncle Claudius and make a ghost out of him. He hates his uncle because of the tricks he pulled on his mother and that his mother married him. This is how the theme of revenge is showed in the play. He wants to revenge on and get back at his uncle Claudius.

3. Has Hamlet changed?
You may compare the soliloquies from
or you may use other textual evidence that you have prepared to answer this question (three quotations – beginning, “middle,” and end). 60 points
Hamlets Soliloquies let us know what is going on in his head and what is on his mind. They all are very significant to the story. Many people don't know if he is really upset or if he is just playing it off as he is upset. I believe he is very upset and mad! "I shall in all my best obey you, madam" (1.2 124). Hamlet says to his mother that he will obey her with his best. Later on this shows that he changed and doesn't because of what she did. He is doing well in the start of the story and has a great live. He has a great relationship with both is mother and his father King Hamlet. Hamlet also has feelings for this girl named Opheila. " To be or not to be--that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them." (3.1 64-68). Hamlet has to decide to stuggle with what happens and just suffer or change and do something about it all. Hemlet changes very much when his father dies. He is now upset and gets very mad that his father has died. After his father dies his relationship with his mother takes a hard turn. His mother marrys his uncle which he told her to stay away from. He is know outraged and very very mad. The last way i believe Hamlet changes is that his feelings for Ophelia change and get stronger. He goes to her for help as he didnt before. He knows that since his dad died and his mother married his uncle she really may be all he has left to lean on. These are all the reasons I believe that Hamlet changes throughout the play. "By heaven I'll make a ghost of him that lets me! I say, away!--Go on. I'll follow thee." (1.5 92-96). I don't think Hamlet would ever think about killing anybody or anything but once his father dies that all changes. He wants revenge and wants to kill his unlce!

Work Cited
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Folger Shakespeare Library Edition.
Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine, Eds. NY: Washington Square Press, 1992.

Quotes from Websites:
SLASH DOC Beta. GOOGLE: Quotes for Hamlet's feelings for Opheila. Web site URL: http://www.slashdoc.com/documents/67698

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good vs evil

So times were pleasant for the people there
until finally ... hell,
began to work his evil in the world. (99-101)
Grendel isn't just the enemy – he's a personification, or maybe that should be monster-fication, of everything that is evil. He's literally a "fiend out of hell," a descendant of Cain, inherently rotten.

"I had a fixed purpose when I put to sea.
... deed
or meet my death here in the mead-hall." (632-638)
It's all or nothing in this fight to the death: the good warrior Beowulf against the evil demon Grendel. Things can't get much more clear cut than that.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beowulf test

Hero qualities: "Grendel is no braver, no stronger than I am! I could kill him with my sword; I shall not, easy as it would be. (Page 32). The hero qulities that he has are: Bravery, strong, and confident. He states in this quote that Grendel is no bracver than he is. I believe Beowulf is very brave going up against Grendel. He also states that Grendel is no stronger than he is. Beowulf is very strong and he shows this be taking down the powerful Grendel. He really shows this when him and his men take off his arm. A hero is very strong and Beowulf is a great example of this. The last quality i believe Beowulf has is that he is confident. He states that he could kill him with his sword and will not back down. He has confidence that he he can and will kill Grendel. That is a huge part that a hero needs and he has that. He never backs down to anything or quits.

Hero or Braggart?: "No one strange to this land has ever been granted what i've given you, No one in all my years of rule. Make this best of all mead-halls yours, and then keep it free of evil, Fight with glory in your heart! Purge Herot and your ship will sail home with its treasures holds full!" (page 30). Beowulf defeated Grendel and thats why i believe he is a true hero. Grendel went to get Beowulf when he was asleep but didnt go after him right away. That shows that he was a little scared of him. True heroes make others scared of them. When you are not a hero you are afraid of heroes and what they could do to you. But also if you are on a hero's good side, like for example if they safe you from a train crashing into on the movie "Handcock" then you arent afraid of them but if you are the hero's enemy you are scared and afraid of them. Grendel is Beowulfs ememy therefore he has fear of him. A hero also does something amazing and shows how strong they are and Beowulf did that by taking down Grendel. He showed how much power he had and how strong he could be. Heroes also can be cocky and show off. Beowulf did this after him and his men took of Grendels arm he posted it up on the wall like Abby stated him her comment as well. He was pretty cocky about what he did but i believe thats what makes him a hero. Heroes also may have back-up with them. He did when he called his men in to help him take down Grendel. They came in and took out his arm as i just stated. Its like Batman has Rodin, Super man has wonder women, The incredibles have each other. They are a great example of this they are a family i know they are fiction characters but they all stick together as Beowulf and his man did and took down Grendel. These are all the reasons why i think Beowulf is a great true hero!

Loyalty: Your deeds are famous,so stay resolute, my lord, defend your life now with the whole of your strength. I shall stand by you.(lines 2666-68) Wiglaf speaks to Beowulf before joining him in the fight against the dragon. Beowulfs men were very loyal to him. Loyalty is like the respect you have for others. The men gained his respect for what he has done and what he did to Grendel, therefore, Beowulf has earned the respect of his men for what they do for him and how they helped him defeated Grendel.

Legacy: They said that of all the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded,kindest to his people and keenest to win fame. (lines 3180-82)The Geats' tribute to Beowulf after his death. Today's age it is all about how you will be remembered and your legacy. It was still a huge thing back in the age of beowulf. It all started early in the world about legacy. How will people remember you? Bad? Good? Everyone wants to be remember as good. In this quote it tells how Beowulf was remembered after his death. He was remembered great. He left a very good legacy.

Role of Women: Grendel's mother,monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. She had been forced down into fearful waters, he cold depths, after Cain had killed his father's son, felled his own brother with a sword.(lines 1258-63. The role of women may be seen as bad in the poem Beowulf. Many may see them as being playing the role of being taking as hostess in the poem and they are. They aren't treated very well but also in a deeper meaning they could be seen as the peace makers or peace weavers. They give gifts and honor.

Love:They stretched their beloved lord in his boat, laid out by the mast, amidships. the great ring-giver. Far-fetched treasures were piled on him, and precious gear. (lines 34-37) Beowulf was treated good by his men. They loved him he was a loved man because he was considered a hero. When he defeated Grendel he became a great hero and loved by many. This quote demastrates how they showed their love to him!

Good vs Evil: In the end each clan on the outlying coasts
beyond the whale-road had to yield to him
and began to pay tribute. That was one good king. (9-11) The narrator of Beowulf is extremely clear about what a good king is like. He tells how he is a good king and supports that. It's our first clue that, even though Beowulf is all about good versus evil, the definition of "good" may not be what he all thought it would be.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Star Wars Test

The Cycle of the Hero:
The call to Adventure:
The call to is when Obiwon calls Luke to adventure by telling him to get on the space ship saying that they have to go save Princess Leia. The two helpers are r2-d2 and c3po. R2d2 talked to c3po through their robot talk. It was helpful because they had to read the message that Leia gave them.
The Threshold of Adventure:
I believe is when they go to the bar (as Danny said). Obiwon took Luke R2D2, and C3P0 to a bar to find a pilot to take them to Alderan. They were there and meet a guy named Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca. Han only wants money they start a lil tusle and some start shooting at them.
The biggest test is trying to save Princess Leia. Han takes them through the Galaxy and incounter the Death Star. They end up getting together and everybody has to get off the ship. Owbiwon meets up with darth Vator and they fight with life sabors and obiwon is defeated.
The triumph is when Luke and Han return Leia to the Rebal base, also as danny stated. Also when Luke goes and finds his father. He finds out that Darth Vator is really his father.
Is when they return Princess Leia to the base
Treshold Struggle:
Is the supreme ordeal Han and Luke saved the Galaxy because Death Star wanted to take over and he couldnt because of Han and Luke they saved the Galaxy and everybody was happy!
I also agree with Lara the elixer is when Luke and Han are giving medels for what they did.

Literary Archetypes:
Luke is the great hero of the story and becomes the leader of the whole story

Han is at all for himself at the begain when he said he'd only do it for the money but then helps Luke and becomes the 2nd hero of the story

The wise fool-
Obiwon people man look at him as stupid but later he becomes very importan part of the story

The Devil Figure-
Darth Vator he is the man focus of evil in the story always wants to cause evil in everything

The outcast-
Chewbaccka he doesnt talk much and they cant understand him but becomes helpful

The double-
is good and evil and i believe the force is just that being for good yet evil as well

The Scapegoat-
Obiwon gave up his life. He fought Darth Vator and lost by dying gave his life up

The temptress-
Princess Leia seems like a detoryer but later is said to not be

The Good Mother-
Princess Leia is a very stronger women and provides help to Han and Luke while fighting Death Star

The Tragic Man: Darth Vator
He makes his own choices and what he wants to do. He can make his own decisions and does. He believes in his own freedoms he has the freedom to be Darth but then comes out as Lukes dad
Darth has pride and thinks no one or anything can stop him. He thinks he is so strong but yet he has that other side of him that he doesnt like others to see. He has a weak soft sad side of him like when he tells Luke that hes really his father
He was powerful in the jeti but once he quit that because his wife died he wasnt very powerful
He never fully commits to anything but himself. He didnt commit to the jeti cause he quit them because he joined the dark side but in the end he didnt commit to the dark side because he saved his son Luke
He gets mad that Luke saved the Princess and along with Han defeated the death star
At the end like Austin said, he saves Luke and kills him emporor
Darth had to join the dark side to save his son Luke and the best thing he could do was save Luke and he did

Luke is the greatest hero in this movie. Luke his a hero because of the traits he has. The tree hero traits i believe he has are: Bravery, knowledgeable, and leadership. He is very brave because he took them through the galaxy and defeated Death star. He also save Princess Leia. Luke is very knowlegeable as well. He knows what to do in every situation hes in. He knew how to defeat Death Star and save Leia. The last trait is that he is a great leader. He got Han to come on his side and lead him to be a great hero with him and save the galaxy.

The theme of this movie is good vs evil. Luke is good and wants to do the good but Han at first wants to do it for the money and in a while is evil, all bout himself good vs evil. The biggest one is Darth Vator is evil all he does is be evil in everything he does but in the end he sees the good and tells Luke he is his father. Good vs Evil.

Monday, August 24, 2009