Friday, August 28, 2009

Star Wars Test

The Cycle of the Hero:
The call to Adventure:
The call to is when Obiwon calls Luke to adventure by telling him to get on the space ship saying that they have to go save Princess Leia. The two helpers are r2-d2 and c3po. R2d2 talked to c3po through their robot talk. It was helpful because they had to read the message that Leia gave them.
The Threshold of Adventure:
I believe is when they go to the bar (as Danny said). Obiwon took Luke R2D2, and C3P0 to a bar to find a pilot to take them to Alderan. They were there and meet a guy named Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca. Han only wants money they start a lil tusle and some start shooting at them.
The biggest test is trying to save Princess Leia. Han takes them through the Galaxy and incounter the Death Star. They end up getting together and everybody has to get off the ship. Owbiwon meets up with darth Vator and they fight with life sabors and obiwon is defeated.
The triumph is when Luke and Han return Leia to the Rebal base, also as danny stated. Also when Luke goes and finds his father. He finds out that Darth Vator is really his father.
Is when they return Princess Leia to the base
Treshold Struggle:
Is the supreme ordeal Han and Luke saved the Galaxy because Death Star wanted to take over and he couldnt because of Han and Luke they saved the Galaxy and everybody was happy!
I also agree with Lara the elixer is when Luke and Han are giving medels for what they did.

Literary Archetypes:
Luke is the great hero of the story and becomes the leader of the whole story

Han is at all for himself at the begain when he said he'd only do it for the money but then helps Luke and becomes the 2nd hero of the story

The wise fool-
Obiwon people man look at him as stupid but later he becomes very importan part of the story

The Devil Figure-
Darth Vator he is the man focus of evil in the story always wants to cause evil in everything

The outcast-
Chewbaccka he doesnt talk much and they cant understand him but becomes helpful

The double-
is good and evil and i believe the force is just that being for good yet evil as well

The Scapegoat-
Obiwon gave up his life. He fought Darth Vator and lost by dying gave his life up

The temptress-
Princess Leia seems like a detoryer but later is said to not be

The Good Mother-
Princess Leia is a very stronger women and provides help to Han and Luke while fighting Death Star

The Tragic Man: Darth Vator
He makes his own choices and what he wants to do. He can make his own decisions and does. He believes in his own freedoms he has the freedom to be Darth but then comes out as Lukes dad
Darth has pride and thinks no one or anything can stop him. He thinks he is so strong but yet he has that other side of him that he doesnt like others to see. He has a weak soft sad side of him like when he tells Luke that hes really his father
He was powerful in the jeti but once he quit that because his wife died he wasnt very powerful
He never fully commits to anything but himself. He didnt commit to the jeti cause he quit them because he joined the dark side but in the end he didnt commit to the dark side because he saved his son Luke
He gets mad that Luke saved the Princess and along with Han defeated the death star
At the end like Austin said, he saves Luke and kills him emporor
Darth had to join the dark side to save his son Luke and the best thing he could do was save Luke and he did

Luke is the greatest hero in this movie. Luke his a hero because of the traits he has. The tree hero traits i believe he has are: Bravery, knowledgeable, and leadership. He is very brave because he took them through the galaxy and defeated Death star. He also save Princess Leia. Luke is very knowlegeable as well. He knows what to do in every situation hes in. He knew how to defeat Death Star and save Leia. The last trait is that he is a great leader. He got Han to come on his side and lead him to be a great hero with him and save the galaxy.

The theme of this movie is good vs evil. Luke is good and wants to do the good but Han at first wants to do it for the money and in a while is evil, all bout himself good vs evil. The biggest one is Darth Vator is evil all he does is be evil in everything he does but in the end he sees the good and tells Luke he is his father. Good vs Evil.

Monday, August 24, 2009